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New building designs and the use of VR and BIM

Technology has touched every part of industry as we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and none more so than construction. Technological changes in how we design, engineer and build structures have brought something quite different to the world of construction projects especially in the form of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Virtual Reality (VR). The definition of Virtual Reality (VR)

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Employing Generation Z – what to expect

Who is Generation Z? Generation Z, Gen Z, Post Millennials, iGeneration or iGen; call them what you like, but if you are going to be employing them, you need to know more about them. Although there is no exact demographic for this new wave of employees, Generation Z is thought to have been born between the mid-1990s and 2010, and

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Bright forecast for construction and STEM with the promise of investment in skills

Perceptions of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM subjects) have been changing over last decade, and everyone accepts that the impact of technology will continue to transform the world for generations to come. No longer are the scientists, mathematicians and engineers pigeon-holed as geeks. In fact, even geeks aren’t pigeon-holed as geeks, and often lead the field in popular culture.

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