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How to be resilient in the workplace

How to be resilient in the workplace

The challenges over the past two years have affected us all on both a personal and professional level. Successful businesses will be able to withstand adversities and bounce back from these difficult events. We’ve taken a look at how you can grow resilience in the workplace to develop personal growth and boost the effectiveness of your team.

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Health and wellbeing at work

Mental Health Awareness week is just behind us, and is still a big topic on everyone’s minds; not just those in construction. Those of us in this industry spend an inordinate amount of time looking at safety issues that affect construction site workers, but we are all guilty of falling short in the area of mental and general health and

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Mental health, and how to manage the stresses of modern life

A friend of mine recently had some problems with anxiety, and their mental health. The pressures of modern life, along with the insecurities we are all confronted with got to him. He is doing much better now thankfully.  Whilst everyone can suffer of course, in particular we men are not good at owning up to these problems. At least society

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The importance of equal weight in the work-life scales

The fast-pace of modern life brings a busy dynamic to business in the UK and often leads to long working hours. Technology has enriched our lives in so many ways, including by creating more work. In doing so, it has also made work more accessible and no longer necessarily a physical place that we need to attend. Mobile phones mean

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