Attracting the right candidates to a role and enticing them to join your business has been a difficult task this year as demand has outstripped the availability of talent. With more offers to consider, candidates have increased power and employers need to work harder on their offering to secure a hire. We’ve taken a look at how the changing marketplace towards a more flexible work environment has affected recruitment and how employers can stand out to attract the best candidates for a role.
Flexibility in working
A major theme we’ve seen is flexible working – whether this is part of a hybrid role with some time spent in the office or working from home entirely. This can also include job-sharing, flexitime or staggered hours.
In fact, new legislation is being proposed that will see employees given the right to ask for flexible working arrangements from their first day at a new job, a change from the current 26 week period under the current law.
According to research from the Institute of Leadership and Management, 94% of all organisations in the UK now offer staff some form of flexible working.
Beaumont Wood Director Jerry Wood explains, “Employers who offer flexibility in employee working arrangements are more likely to attract a wider talent pool. Workers are now more likely to prioritise companies that offer flexible working conditions as it’s among the top considerations when candidates look to change roles and is as important as an attractive pay package.”
Other benefits to the employee include less stress when commuting, money saving, job satisfaction and maintaining a positive work/life balance. There are also advantages to employers too including employee retention and increased engagement, productivity, and increased innovation and creativity within the business. Opening up work from home options also extends your reach to potential candidates outside of your immediate location.
Our top tips
With top candidates being snapped up or offered enhanced packages from their current employer, the recruitment process is more important than ever to secure a new employee. Here are some of our top tips.
1. Move quickly and communicate
Wherever possible, move quickly through the recruitment process to reduce the chances of your favoured candidate receiving another offer while they wait for your decision. Candidates will want to engage with a business that has an efficient process and delivers a positive experience. It’s also important to communicate regularly with candidates at every stage of the recruitment.
2. Look at the package as a whole – not just the salary
As we’ve mentioned above, packages that include ancillary benefits such as flexible working or additions such as healthcare or an enhanced pension, will help an organisation stand out from others.
3. Disclose the package
80% of job seekers are less likely to apply to a job ad that doesn’t feature any salary information. Be transparent wherever possible.
4. Highlight your values and people
Talking about your culture, values and business goals will help attract candidates. It can also be used to demonstrate training and development, career progression opportunities, and employee engagement initiatives. This will all help build a picture to the candidate of the organisation they will be working for.
5. Be proactive
Using the skills of a specialist recruitment consultant will enable you to seek out potential candidates and proactively approach them – even before they are looking to move roles.
Are you facing difficulties finding the right fit for your key role? Get in touch to discuss how Beaumont Wood can help.